Welcome to the Allentown (PA) Branch of AAUW!


AAUW is a community of more than 170,000 people standing strong for AAUW logogender equity. AAUW has been transforming women’s lives for more than a century.

Though we are nonpartisan, we are not values-neutral: We fight to remove the barriers and biases that stand in the way of gender equity. We train women to negotiate for pay and benefits and to pursue leadership roles. And we advocate for federal, state and local laws and policies to ensure equity and end discrimination.

Membership Matters

And now that we’ve won the fight to give women equal access to education, we’re taking on one of the most defining issues of our time: gender equity. But we can’t do it alone. Your membership makes our powerful voice even louder on critical issues affecting women and girls. Make a direct impact in your community. Join a local or virtual branch of AAUW.

How to Organize a Training

Help the leaders of your branch and others in your state build the skills they need to increase their AAUW impact. Use this step-by-step guide to help you reach out to and plan leadership training for your local branches.